Smart Crisis Management: Helping More People with Less Resources

In times of crisis, like now with COVID-19, the pressure is on to deliver important and urgent information, services and products to people. It’s also a time when resources are overloaded and where coordinated community effort is needed more than ever before to get through this crisis.

Therefore, the public, government, Industry, not-for-profits and so forth must find smart and creative ways to effectively and efficiently work together through the crisis, providing the right advice and care to the right people, in the right places, at the right times.

By using real-time location and movement data, with easily applied geofencing (virtual location boundaries), Mapcite’s geospatial data analytics can predict where people most in need are precisely located during a crisis. Through crisis portals we can identify people in need or potential need in any area. Once needs in an area are identified, advice and support services can be deployed. Differential needs might be identified in the area during a crisis, such as helping the elderly, mentally and physically ill, pregnant women, young families, poor, homeless, etc., in which case advice or service providers can choose how they can best help in a coordinated effort.

For example, through a crisis portal, Mapcite can provide police with the opportunity to identify and help others in the vicinity (geofence area) when called out or are on patrol.

Police officers can deploy targeted advice or support services on call outs or patrol in areas, if they know the neighbourhood profile, crime history, etc. In terms of a suspected COVID-19 case, provide a mask or help with a call to the nearest COVID-19 clinic, for example.

Target crisis advice and support services to the right people, in the right places, at the right times.

  • Easy free hand drawing of multiple geo-fence areas – pre-defined or react to real time situations
  • Immediate view of officers currently in the area
  • Immediate & bespoke notifications to relevant officers on any device when they enter the area

Other ‘tools’ can be provided to the police officers when in the area to assist them in their efforts.

  • Modernise the police officer’s notebook
  • Gather images, video, voice and text notes – quickly and simply from a Phone Mapcite app
  • Location and time stamped, appearing on a control room map in real time
  • Clear visualisation and insight from officers reports

Author: Mike Robin